Visit in June 1988:



                 Fred Brown arrives at Brussels National Airport.

                 From left to right: Denis Parys, Guy Parys, Fred Brown, Rudy Kenis (me...)


                 At Guy's house in Limal giving some presents.


                 Fred gave a beautiful painting to the family Parys.

            5-1.jpg    IMG_5615-2.jpg

            I also got a very valuable present!!!!


                     A very emotional moment for Fred. Guy gave Fred a wedding dress made from his parachute!!!

                     Fred said: ''This robe safed my life....'' 


                     A look to the vicinity where Fred landed...

                     Left the house of guy, right the outhouse loft of his farm.




                     Fred landed behind these trees...


                                         Fred and Denise Parys.


                                              Guy is ritered but still have a goat... his best mate...


                  The house of Alexander Voisier where Fred stayed two weeks after his stay with Guy Parys.


                  Next day there was a reception at the townhall of Limal and a little present was given by the mayor  to                     Fred and Guy. 



                                 Whole the family Parys in front of the house of Guy Parys with Fred Brown.   


                          In one of Fred's letters he wrote: '' I would like to visit Antwerp if possible. I have bad dreams                                 about that prison...'' Fred was during his stay in this prison many times interrogated on a hard way                           during 2 weeks!  He also told me that his door of the cell was opened but there were                                             machineguns who shot you if you would leave your cell!

                          But because these prison still was in use it was not easy to get a permission to visit it.

                          Finally we managed it to do this.


                          After a lot of regulations we entered the prison.

                          When we came in the central part Fred showed us the room were he was interrogated by the                                 Germans.... It gave him again a very bad feeling...

                          Then he went to one the 5 corridors and took the  stairs to the second floor. He stopped at the                             3th cell. Then he said... her it is... My cell...

                          They told us this cell was free so Fred could enter it!

                          They also told us it was not allowed to take pictures!!! But we are Belgians... so this was not the                             way to forbit us to do this. Just as in wartime we misled the overseer and took our pictures...


                                                  Fred found his cell back and Said... nothing has changed...



                     He entered his cell and was very emotional... but said again... nothing has changed over here...

                     Then he took a chai and looke outside the window and said again ''so amazing nothing has changed                          after all those years!!!'' 

                     The woman who guided us told Fred what the prisoners got to eat that day... And Fred answered a                        little bit disappointed... ''We had no bed to sleep on... we got two slices of bread a day and                                    translucent soup.... Mayby I will come back over here....''